This week, in Ms. Wanlass' class, we are learning about the
Water Cycle! I've put together a presentation about the water cycle, which we will be going over in class. I am really excited to teach your kids about the water cycle and the importance it plays in our world. I encourage you to work with your students at home. When driving past a stream, river or lake, ask them "What part is the river in the water cycle?", if you go skiing "Is snow a solid or a liquid?", or take a moment in the beautiful weather we've been having to look at the clouds and have the students explain how clouds are made! This will help the students to memorize the water cycle and really incorporate it into their world.
This water cycle unit fulfills the 4th grade, Science, Standard 1. Which is, students will understand that water changes state as it moves through the Water Cycle.
It also fulfills Education Technology Standard 9, which says, determine when technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems.